I'm exhausted. Didn't get home until 10 o'clock. Really big day of sewing. It's so nice to be in a room with other sewing maniacs. The intensity of the effort everyone is making is palpable.
We got our first assignment for Week 2 on Sunday night after dinner. Apparently there are glowing and flat versions of every color, even black. So the exercise was to pick a linear motif and two fabrics, one flat and one glowing. Then make up 15 blocks and sew them together. The design emphasis was lines.
Here's mine.
Conceptually, this exercise was easy. But it was challenging to make all the blocks in the time we had, which was about 6 hours. But I got it done on time, and she said it was successful.
Then came exercise 2, which has sort of blown my mind. Again we're to use a linear motif, two dark colors in their glowing and flat versions (one of which is black), and two light colors in glowing and flat. Design a block. Divide it into three sections vertically. Then place your colors so that they alternate dark glowing and light flat, dark flat and light glowing in each section. Then repeat, making 8 more blocks, each one 16 x 18". It's mind boggling complicated, and so far I'm struggling.
Here's my motif.
And here's how the construction is going. I find this free hand construction difficult, and I'm not doing very well. Very slow because I make lots of mistakes. Very imperfect, but she doesn't seem to care.
Good night.